Google's definition for the word Courage is, "The ability to do something that frightens one." It seems kind of boring and un-inspirational. I like Harry Kraemer's (former CEO of Baxter International) favorite definition. It is,"A quality that enables someone to face a challenge even in the midst of fear." I've been reading "From Values to Action" written by Harry Kraemer, who focuses on four principles or values that will help in becoming a great leader. Something he's focused on in his book is recognizing what your own personal values are and committing to them. This helps me to have courage. As I determine what my values are, I'm basically already making up my mind whether or not I will respond courageously in a certain situation. I read this in an article recently. " Values are empowering. We are much more in control of our own lives when we're clear about our personal values. When values are clear we don't have to...
In the movie, "We Bought a Zoo" Benjamin Mee said,"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it." I'd like to take this lesson to heart but instead of giving 20 seconds to be courageous, I'm giving myself 5 seconds to make the decision. This blog is going to be based off my 5 second decisions to be courageous and other examples I have seen around me.