Google's definition for the word Courage is, "The ability to do something that frightens one." It seems kind of boring and un-inspirational. I like Harry Kraemer's (former CEO of Baxter International) favorite definition. It is,"A quality that enables someone to face a challenge even in the midst of fear." I've been reading "From Values to Action" written by Harry Kraemer, who focuses on four principles or values that will help in becoming a great leader. Something he's focused on in his book is recognizing what your own personal values are and committing to them.
This helps me to have courage. As I determine what my values are, I'm basically already making up my mind whether or not I will respond courageously in a certain situation.
I read this in an article recently. "Values are empowering. We are much more in control of our own lives when we're clear about our personal values. When values are clear we don't have to rely upon direction from someone in authority. By knowing what means and ends are most important, we can act independently. We can also recognize a conflict between our own values and the values of the organization or society, and we can exercise choice about how to respond.
This helps me to have courage. As I determine what my values are, I'm basically already making up my mind whether or not I will respond courageously in a certain situation.
I read this in an article recently. "Values are empowering. We are much more in control of our own lives when we're clear about our personal values. When values are clear we don't have to rely upon direction from someone in authority. By knowing what means and ends are most important, we can act independently. We can also recognize a conflict between our own values and the values of the organization or society, and we can exercise choice about how to respond.
Values also motivate. They keep us focused on why
we're doing what we're doing and the ends toward which we're striving. Values
are the banners that fly as we persist, as we struggle, as we toil. We refer to
them when we need to replenish our energy. Through them we can answer the
question, Was it worth it? " (Clarifying My Values, James Kousez and Barry Posner)
I believe values are key to having courage. What are some of your values?
Look through this list and try to identify what key values are most important to you. What are your top 5?
Appreciation Achiever Fame
Attractiveness Friendships Loyal
Balance Flexible Making a Difference
Being the Best Generous Mindful
Caring Health Optimistic
Charity Honest Likes Recognition
Cheerful Humble Spiritual
Clever Humorous Popular
Committed Independent Power
Compassionate Individuality Prepared
Cooperating Intelligent Punctual
Consistent Integrity Reliable
Creative Kind Responsible
Dependable Leader Selfless
Empathetic Learning Simplicity
Fair Love Teamwork
Passionate Proactive Trustworthy
Unique Professional Understanding
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